A message from our Minister,

Rev. Tina Brooker



Let me introduce myself. I am Kineton Methodist churches new Minister. I started my new role here in September 2023, after finishing 3 years at the Queen’s Foundation College in Birmingham.


I don’t live in the village but hope to move near very soon. I live in Solihull with my husband who is a Church of England curate, so I commute in most days.

We have two children, who are older and flown the nest. Both doing very well in their jobs.


I also serve as the minister of two other churches in the South Warwickshire circuit, Dale Street Leamington Spa and Cubbington Methodist Church.


I have very much enjoyed meeting my congregation, the folk from the community and my colleagues at St. Peter’s, where we get together to pray, have some delicious soup and work together at the ‘Meet & Eat’ fellowship time on the first Tuesday of the month at 12pm. It would be lovely to meet you and share a chat and a bowl of soup if ever you’re free then.


You can always get in touch with me on either tina.brooker@methodist.org.uk




Revd Tina